Are you suffering from parasites?

Common symptoms can include Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and IBS.


What is a parasite and what does it do?

A parasite is an organism that lives in another organism, called the host, and often harms it. It is
dependent on its host for survival – it must be in the host to live, grow and multiply.

Although a parasite rarely kills the host, in some cases it can happen. To a certain extent, if a parasite does kill its host it has failed as this means it will need to find a new home. The parasite benefits at the expense of the host – the parasite uses the host to gain strength, and the host loses some strength as a result.

Diarrhea and/or constipation

Digestive complaints (gas, bloating, cramps)

IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)

Muscle cramps or joint pain


Persistent skin problems

Dark circles under the eyes

Prostate problems

Parasites feed off our cells and excrete toxic waste. This waste poisons the body, overworking the organs of elimination.

Want to know more about Colon Hydrotherapy?

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At Vitality Source Studio, we have many years experience in helping people to rid them selves of parasites and strengthen the immune system to gain to health. Let us help you get rid of those little buggers!

Vitality Source offers a full range of Colon Hydrotherapy packages, that are competitive in the Toronto colonics marketplace along with a number of associated products and services.


346 Newkirk Rd Unit 9, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 0A9

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