Liver/ Gallbladder Flush

Liver/ Gallbladder Flush

Getting ready to do a Liver/ Gallbladder flush? Really? Are you sure? Let’s take a look.   Hi everyone, my name is Mary Taylor and I am a Colonic Hydrotherapist and Live Cell Analyst. I am committed to your health and I believe that it is crucial that...

The Scoop on Poop Lecture

When you use Google services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. This is important; we hope you will take time to read it carefully. And remember, you...
The Straight Poop – Double-O Poo Poo

The Straight Poop – Double-O Poo Poo

Double-O Poo Poo: US Secret Service agents regularly capture Presidential poo in order to prevent foreign intelligence agencies from collecting information about the leader of the free World’s health, especially when travelling abroad. I have no idea how this is...
The Straight Poop – Snake Poos

The Straight Poop – Snake Poos

If your toilet bowl is the host to a long, thin stool that coils like a snake or bends like a pretzel, take a memo to relax. Your long, unsatisfying movement was created by an anal sphincter that was too tight. Snake poos share this in common with the Dunce Cap, and...
The Straight Poop – Ascaris Lumbricoides

The Straight Poop – Ascaris Lumbricoides

Have you ever passed a stool so long and thin you called it spaghetti poo? Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. First, the bad news: that was really a parasite known as Ascaris lumbricoides. The good news is this roundworm rarely causes...

The Straight Poop – The Dunce Cap

Have you ever sweated and strained on the toilet, only to find that the initial strongresistance diminishes considerably once the turd leaves your body? Instead of the expected Monster Poo, you find the meagre reward of a long, tapering cone or Dunce Cap. The narrow...